Dear Katarina,

Your book project is coming to an end. The book is written for all of us who have gone or are going through the process of adoption as adopted children or parents of ones. We are quite diverse, since there’s not just a few of us. Writing it must have been hard, because every adoption is completely unique. We all have our own story, and they may resemble each other at some points but parts of it are completely one of a kind. Every adoption is perceived in its own way and with different emotions.

The feelings I had while reading this book are the ones that matter. I inadvertently found myself answering the book’s questions and thus returned to that time and place. To the time I first held that precious little human being and wrapped it with a sweater to protect it from cold. When words were not needed and we could let go of everything. When he first touched my hand because it was in the way of Mojca’s cookies. And when he said his first word after two days of being together and then couldn’t stop chattering. When returning to Ljubljana was so hard, and we just couldn’t wait to get back to Moscow. When he took his first steps, played with the plastic figurine and nibbled everything he came across. The time when the judge was asking me how he will fit in and where we will live. When we were buying the first clothes for our son and the first time he spent the night under the same roof. To when he cuddled up to me on the plane trip home. There have been so many emotional memories to return to… This book will help create more and more to come.

Bojan Suvorov, adoptive parent

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